It’s time to rethink what your wellbeing means to you at middle age.
Rethinking Wellbeing
Forget everything you did to maintain a healthy lifestyle up until now, Mid-life is a whole different ball game . . .right? I think. Maybe? I’m not sure anymore.
To lose belly fat, don’t do cardio, lift weights. But get in a lot of steps. Wait, isn’t that cardio? Forget fad diets. Eat more. Eat less. Eat more protein. Make sure not too much of your protein intake comes from animal sources. Take care of your gut or you’ll have all sorts of other health problems. Sleep more. But, be aware your sleep cycles will be interrupted. Track every aspect of your health. No, don’t spend too much time on that. You need to sleep more. Pay attention to your circadian rhythms. Not too much attention. Efficiency is important. Don’t rush. Self-care and rest are critical. Cold plunges will provide wonderful relief for hot flashes. They can also give you a heart attack.
Feeling confused? How’s one supposed to sort through all the conflicting health-related “advice” swirling around and flying at us at warp speed? And, how do we know whose advice to take and whose to leave?
Follow my series at RestlessUrban as I navigate these questions and attempt to find some answers before I lose my marbles.
Thanks for joining me on the journey.
Exploring Health and Wellness Trends with Jennifer.
Meet Jennifer Adlakha
I’m Jenny. Who am I? When I was just a baby, my grandmother described me as an old soul. I think what she meant was that she could tell I was a deep thinker, observing the world around me. She was right. I was, and I still am. I love people watching, observing human behavior and interactions. Why? Because isn’t “why” the question at the root of everything. I’m told, when I was learning to speak, I walked around uttering “What’s that?” like a broken record. I wanted to absorb everything I could.
In addition to being curious, I’m also a deep feeler. One of the first stories I reacted to strongly was “The Red Balloon”. After hearing the passage where the boys threw rocks at Pascal’s floating balloon to take it down, I was so dismayed. Something that brought him such simple pleasure was quickly deflated, along with his spirits and it just felt so cruel and unnecessary.
Why am I sharing this? Because curiosity and connection are what draw me to writing. Coincidentally, that’s what RestlessUrban is all about. As I bring you stories related to health I’ll strive to do so from a place of wonder, through stories that give you something to think about and help you connect to both yourself and others. Because, who wants to read a bunch of boring statistics without any context? I, for one, much prefer an interesting story.
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